April 27, 2010

Blushers for the Skin

The purpose of a blusher is to highlight your skin's natural hue. Think of it as an enhancer rather than a make-up element. It needs to add that essential depth to the skin.

Image Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

A good way to find the right color for your skin is to bend over and try touching your toes. When you stand up, your face will be flushed. Note the color as that is the ideal shade for your blusher. If you are still looking for precise colors and, if you have got a fair skin try peaches and pale pinks. Women with wheatish complexions can opt for peach, apricot and coral shades. And, dusky women can use deep pinks, apricots and beiges. However, peaches and pinks are the two shades that go with just about any skin tone. They can be used during the day, and darker ones like bronze and shimmer can be used for the nights.

Always start out small; apply blusher sparingly. Moreover, the body heat can warm the blusher to a more intense color. Put just enough to give your skin a natural glow. If you are not definite about how much is enough, stop after two three brush strokes.

Opt for blusher brushes that consists of rounded bristles. Better yet, go for ones that are made of real hair. Wash your blushers regularly with shampoo to make it last for a longer time. Brushes can harbor bacteria if not properly cleaned. Hence, wash them fortnightly with a gentle shampoo and keep them on a paper towel to air dry. To speed up the process you can also use a hair dryer on its lowest setting.

Finally, never use the little brushes that come free with the blushers as they can be quite harsh on the skin. The skin on your cheekbones are quite sensitive, hence invest in some good brushes.


How to Apply Blushers

Firstly, prep your face up by dabbing on your regular foundation. Apply a small amount of bronzer powder to the forehead, nose and chin. Now, look into the mirror and give your best smile; you can notice the apple of your cheeks. Remember, cheeks are one of the most prominent part of the face. Plunge your brush into the blush powder, dust of the excess and stroke on the apple of your cheeks. Use an up and down vertical movement. Assure that the color spreads evenly. To blend the blusher well, you now have to use horizontal movements. Gently remove the excess color with a neat tissue or a puff. Finally, top it off with some loose powder. For more form and structure, use a deeper shade in the hallow of your cheeks to give your skin a glowing, healthy look.

Image Source: Bharatstudent.com

Always apply blushers before you do your eyes or lips to maintain a perfect balance. Otherwise, you might end up putting more than essential. Powder blush is the best bet for beginners and is recommended for daily use as well. It is also advisable for people with greasy, oily or combination skins. Nevertheless it suits most skin types and is the easiest to handle. People with oily skin can also make use of liquid and gel blushes as it gives a very natural look. It can be applied over foundation or directly onto the bare skin. You can then dab some powder on top.

Cream blushers are great for dry skin as it consists moisturizer. However, you need to be careful of blending it well as excess amount can appear too loud. Some experts recommend powder blush as the most appropriate one for all skin types as liquid, gel and cream blushers make the skin more susceptible to dust particles that block the pores by causing the skin to break out.

A good blusher can improve the shape of your face by adding up the natural color and highlighting or softening your cheekbones. It can give a round face the illusion of appearing slimmer and vice versa. Blushers can also be used as eye shadows and lipsticks by mixing it with lip gloss, lip balm or Vaseline. So, as you see there is no end to what a blusher can do.


Skin Care for the Winter

Image Source: Medimanage.com

o If you are in the habit of taking brisk winter walks, assure you drink plenty of fluid as you dehydrate quite easily.

o Keep your skin moisturized at all times. If you have an oily skin, use an oil-free moisturizer. Opt for a heavy night cream. Nevertheless, it is advisable to wipe off the excess cream around the eyes as it may lead to puffiness. Keep your hands, feet, legs and arms moisturized with a good body lotion.

o Do not shower more than once a day. Mix a few drops of bath oil while you bathe. This leaves a thin film of oil on the skin, which will help thwart loss of moisture from the skin, making it look fresh and soft.

o Do not leave home with wet skin or lips as it can appear chapped, almost instantly. The lips lack oil glands of their own, which is why they get so easily chapped during winter. Hence, extra care is required to protect lips from cracking. Make use of a lip balm or a salve during the day. As far as possible avoid wearing lipsticks, especially the matte types, as they are quite drying.

o It is advisable to drink something hot before you step outdoors, this will help in keeping the body warm. Also, avoid extremes of temperature. For instance, do not step out into the cold after warming yourself in front of a heater.

o Finally, keep a check on your diet and stay away from alcohol. Eat plenty of salads and fruits and assure you drink lots of water.


Skin Care - A Complete Guide

We all know that our skin can never look the same all through our life. We could have had great skin in our teens or 20's, but with each passing year the skin type changes. Here's what you need to know on how to keep your skin looking fresh for life.

The Teens:

o Even if you endowed with good skin, assure you follow a regular skin care routine of cleansing, toning and moisturizing.

o Cleanse your face regularly twice a day, and make use of a good sunscreen.

o If you skin tends to break out or is acne prone, never ignore it and get it checked by a dermatologist as early as possible.

o Maintain a proper diet. Have lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water.

The 20's:

o Check for any fine lines and wrinkles and keep your skin moisturized at all times.

o Never forget the wonders of sunscreen. Apply it even if you are indoors.

o Cleanse your face twice a day and never go to bed with your make-up on.

o Exfoliation should be a part of your skin care routine. Nevertheless, don't exfoliate too often. Once in a fortnight is suffice.

o Follow the usual skin care regimen.

The 30's:

o Your skin needs more care now than ever before. If you have not safeguarded your skin from the damaging rays of the sun, this is when the effects will start showing up.

o Apply a night cream regularly. The skin works effectively in the night. It tends to soak more.

o Never keep your skin dry as it cause a lot of damage. Opt for a good moisturizer that suits your skin type.

o A good facial once or twice a month is advisable to keep the skin fresh and glowing.

The 40's and 50's:

o The skin undergoes a lot of changes now. This is when menopause sets in causing more problems, both physically and mentally.

o Adopt a good skin care regimen.

o When it doubt, get the opinion of a good beautician or dermatologist.

o Fine lines and wrinkles tend to become more visible if proper attention is not given to the skin.

o Opt for a good night cream and follow a healthy diet.


Skin Type and Recognition

Image Source: Images.teamsugar.com
Oily Skin:

Oily skin has shiny, thick and big pores. It is due to the over activity of the sebaceous glands. People with oily skin are more prone to whiteheads and blackheads. But, since it has a lot of moisture on its own, it slows the aging process.

Dry Skin:

Dry skin is basically thin and fine pored. It feels tight because of the inactivity of the sebaceous glands. Since very less oil is secreted, it makes the skin look dull and dehydrated. People with dry skin tend to get wrinkles early.

Combination Skin:

Combination skin is the most common skin type. The sebaceous glands are not evenly distributed. It is oily in the T-zone [ forehead, nose, mouth and chin tends to be oily] whereas the cheeks and other portions remain dry, resulting in a patchy skin.

Sensitive Skin:

Both oily and dry skin can be sensitive. It has thin, delicate and fine pores. People with this type of skin are sensitive to certain cosmetics, food, alcohol or even emotional issues.

Recognition of Skin Type:

It is important to know your skin type and use products accordingly. But, many tend to get confused and get into wrong conclusions. Here is an easy way to recognize your skin type.

Clean your skin well with a good cleanser. Do not apply any cream on your face. When you wake up in the morning, before you wash your face, place a tissue paper against it. Press it lightly and take a look at the tissue paper. If the tissue paper is dry, your skin is dry. If it is oily, then you have an oily skin. If it is oily in the T-zone and the remaining areas are dry, your skin belongs to the combination category.


Moisturizer and Its Importance

The cold season causes the skin's natural moisturizer to dissolve because of climatic changes, that is why the skin begins to feel stretchy. The key to defend the skin from drying and getting chapped, is to keep it moisturized at all times. It keeps the skin soft, supple and also helps in delaying premature aging. So how to go about selecting the right moisturizer amidst hundreds of them?

It is a myth that moisturizers actually hydrate the skin. The fact is that, moisturizers lock the skin's own moisture to prevent it from drying and cracking. The more oil a moisturizer has, the more effectual it is in protecting your skin.

Basically moisturizers are of two types; 'oil-in-water' and 'water-in-oil' emulsions. The ones you select should suit your skin type. People with oily skin can use oil -free moisturizer, while a water -based moisturizer with a little oil is best for dry skin. For combination skin, an oil-free product should be used on the greasy areas and a light moisturizer can be used on the dry areas.

Stay away from scented fragrances or, opt for ones where the fragrance is at the bottom of the ingredient list. This ensures that it isn't one of the chief ingredients. Go for the most natural ones. Look for ingredients such as lactic acid, glycerin, urea, liquid paraffin and lanolin.

Apply moisturizers regularly and generously twice a day. It is best when applied to moist skin, perhaps after a shower or a bath. While applying, use an upward circular motion and assure that you don't stretch it harshly. The best way to apply a moisturizer is to take a little on your fingertips and gently apply it, instead of spreading the moisturizer on the palms and smearing it on the face.


How to Find a Flattering Swim Suit

When you hit the pool, the last thing you want to worry about is your swimsuit. Hiding under an oversized t-shirt or grandma's trunks can get sloppy. A swimsuit is the most difficult garment to shop for, as it confronts our body shape like no other garment does. It might seem that swimsuits do not allow you to hide anything. On the other hand, with the right kind of swimsuits, you can enhance or camouflage a lot.

But how do you find the right kind of swimsuit?

First do a body assessment. Find out your best features and understand what you need to highlight or hide. It isn't about how much skin you show but its all about how you show. The key is to create an illusion of a balanced figure.

Check it from all angles. Note the straps and the elastics in the legs - be especially choosy and fussy while selecting a swimsuit. The straps or the elastics should not dig into the skin. Generally suits with high necklines, built-in-bras or thick straps offer support and reduce digging in. Concealed under wires give a flawless and smooth appearance.

Lift your arms up to check that the stretch is comfortable enough. The bottom of the swimsuit should not ride up. Try a size larger than you generally wear for a better fit. While trying, bend over, stand, sit, walk and assure that it is comfortable from all angles. Matte fabrics and dark hues are the most slimming.

What you wear on top of your swimsuit talks so much about your style as the swimsuit itself. A crisp, white unbuttoned shirt and a sarong at the waist is quite chic and cool. Wear your sarong low on the hip and opt for floral patterns. Accessorize it with a large, trendy bag or a pair of cool sandals. Just remember, your overall look should make you feel comfortable and sexy.


Wardrobe Tips- What Stays in and What Goes Out

Experts say that we wear only 20 percent of what we own. So what happens to the remaining 80 percent? Check your wardrobe periodically for things you do not wear or use. Find out what needs repair or what needs to go out of your wardrobe. You might then end up wearing 80 percent of what you have or perhaps more.

What remains ?

Lets pieces that have stories [exclusive attachments on the fabrics] , characters and memories remain. Haven't you often yanked your mother's loose pants or shirts out of her wardrobe? And let that old sweater your grandma knitted for you stay. We all know that the old fashions return with a bang. A revamped version of the same can be the hot look years later. Exclusive crafted items like brocade borders or embellishments are for keeps. Special accessories like scarves, Louis Vuitton bags, Gucci shoes or classically made items can stay too. Think before you can let your clannish jewelry reach the trash bin.

A tip: The ' I-have-nothing-to-wear,' syndrome hits everyone at some point. This means you have no idea of what is in your wardrobe. The key is to have pure coordinates or separates that you can mix and match to form various looks. Do not keep buying separates unnecessarily, until you are sure that you can coordinate with at least three pieces in your wardrobe.

What leaves?

We all like to preserve old things but not when it comes to scruffy clothes, dilapidated shoes or worn out styles. Also, let go of cheap items that have a small life span. They can all leave your wardrobe. Never let your heart rule. Clothes and pieces that you haven't used for more than two years should leave. Garments that have visited the tailor more than once should be dumped.

You can sell the discarded clothes at markets that buy second hand items. Or, they make good hand-me-downs for young siblings and cousins. Selling online is a good bet too. Nevertheless, the best thing is to do a bit of charity - give it to the orphanage.


Organizing your Warbrobe

What if wardrobes could speak and clothes could say, 'we are exhausted'? You'd probably be throwing and restoring more often than you ever anticipated! But the lack of time and knowing how to do, prevents people from doing so. Here are few simple remedies for your howling wardrobe.

                                                          Image Source: Stylebakery.com

o Clothes wrapped with plastic bags can fade and lead to messy condensation of trapped dampness. A good way is to store them in old pillow covers [or cloth bags] with few cloves or lavender bags kept in. Keep the spices packed neatly in mesh bags or wrap them in pouches made of lining fabrics.

o Never overload. Do keep in mind, it's all about space in a wardrobe. The more space you have, the more organized you will feel. Avoid ornate hangers as they take in a lot of space and, opt for plastic ones that have good grip. Label your clothes and accessories to avoid chaos.

o Segregate clothes according to its types; arrange your tops, pants, skirts, shirts and knits in separate categories. It makes putting a look together simple. In addition, know how often you're going to use a particular garment. If they are hidden or difficult to find, you wouldn't bother wearing them for a long period, perhaps until you do your next cleaning.

o A stinking wardrobe can be due to shoes or old clothes. Keep spraying fresheners on periodical basis. Burning aromatic candles in the dressing room is quite pleasant, but you need to be careful about things flaming up. Alternatively, you can have a separate space for the storage of shoes.


The Benefits of Skin Care

Image Source: Edinaskincare.com
Night Cream:

Typically, the skin should be left bare to breathe throughout the night. However, for dry or mature skin, after cleansing , apply a small amount of the night cream. Allow it to be for about 30 minutes. You can then wipe it off with a tissue paper because whatever good a night cream has to do, it will do in the first half an hour. It is not required after that.

Face Pack:

A good face pack can cleanse, refresh, rejuvenate, and exfoliate. It deep cleans and helps to prevent clogged pores, loosen blackheads, eliminate dirt etc. It should be used at least twice a week, depending on your skin type. Though there are numerous face packs available in the market, home made packs are the best. You can use honey, sugar, cucumber , cream, vegetables etc, depending on your skin type.


A scrubber or exfoliating mask is basically to remove the dead cells from the surface of the skin and to promote the growth of new cells. It increases the blood circulation by giving a nice glow to the skin. Use it once a week. Scrub a little hard on the places you have blackheads and wash it off later.

Sun block:

Use a good sun block whenever you step out in the sun. The harmful rays of the sun and the pollution can damage the skin immensely. Long exposure to the sun can even lead to skin cancer. Even if you are indoors it is advisable to apply a small amount of sunscreen.


Besides the regular skin care regimen, a monthly facial is a must. Visit a beauty salon that is good in hygiene and assure that the beauticians are experienced enough. Wrong treatment or wrong use of products can prove fatal to the skin. You can also do a facial at home easily with the natural products.


A good diet that includes green vegetables and fruits is as crucial as a facial for a perfect complexion. Drink a minimum of 10 to 12 glasses a day as in helps in cleaning the system. Finally, practice the art of staying happy. No amount of skin care can be beneficial if you are constantly under stress or worrying about something or the other.


Few Beauty Secrets Every Teenager Should Know

We've read several beauty rules but only a few are worth keeping. Here are few tips every teenager should know.

Image Source: Joytonight.com

o Skip the foundation if your skin is acne prone. Foundation can cover up your natural beauty and sometimes can make you look older than you actually are. Leave the foundation for the mature skin.

o Cover the blemishes with a concealer. It is the best bet for acne-prone skin. Follow it with a pressed powder; it gives your skin a fresh glow.

o When it comes to make-up, less is always more. No matter what your age, too much make-up can make you appear dowdy.

o Either play up your lips or eyes, but never both. If you prefer to do a heavy eye make-up, keep your lips simple with just a bit of gloss. Alternatively, if you are wearing a heavy lipstick shade, keep your eyes simple.

o Scrubs are great, especially for dry skin. But make sure to slather on a thick moisturizer afterward.

o Never ignore the wonders of sunscreen. Whether you're indoors or outdoors, make sure you always wear a sunscreen.

o Layers look chic on any hair type; curly, straight or wavy. It can make thin hair appear bulky or curly hair appear manageable.

o When you are still a teenager, it is not essential that you get a manicure or pedicure done on regular basis. Just make sure you keep them clean and at the same length.

o If your skin is acne or pimple prone, visit a dermatologist. Look for a reputed doctor and get your skin tested at the earliest possible. It is the best investment you'll ever make.

o Finally, know your best feature and play it up. We all have at least one key feature that really stands out- find out yours and make it work for you.


Spring Hair Worries

Our hair has it rough all year long. The damp monsoons leave it limp and lifeless, scorching summer causes sun damage, the soggy winter days are a combination of dryness, frizz and tangles. And, needless to say spring has the worst effects. Here are few remedies.

Image Source: Celebhairstyle.files.wordpress.com


To bring in some life to your hair, add few highlights or apply a clear gloss to increase shine. Alternatively, you can use a cream or gel with silicone, before you style your hair. This takes away the dullness to some extent.

Sun burnt Hair:

Exposure to the harmful rays of the sun can damage the hair. This can make your hair appear brittle, weak, dry and dull. Choose hair products that contain sunscreen. In addition, wear a bandanna or a scarf when you are out in the sun.

Dry Ends:

Trim your hair at least once in six weeks, to prevent the dry ends from getting worse. Make use of a conditioner that is richer than your summer conditioner. If possible, opt for an ultra-moisturizing hair mask every week.

Unmanageable Hair:

To weigh your hair down apply some leave-in conditioner, before you style your hair. If your hair is dry apply a small amount of shine serum with your hands. You can also mist a light doze of hair spray to cover the dryness.

Hat head:

Before you put on your hat, make sure that your hair is dry. If your hair is wet and dries under the cap, you may end up getting frizzy hair after you remove the hat. If you have long hair, gather it into a ponytail and then wear your hat. With this type of hairdo, you're less likely to end up with a hat head.


Beauty is Indeed Skin Deep

The skin is the body's first and foremost shield against environmental impurities that can cause premature wrinkles and aging. Hence, it is only fair that we take proper take care to maintain it to the best of our ability. Here are few tips.

Image Source: Helpfulhealthtips.com

o Rose water can be added to a tub of chilled water. Splash it several times a day, as it keeps your skin fresh and glowing.

o Acne and pimples can be irritating as it can spoil the overall look. Stick to the regular skin care routine and apply crushed mint on the affected areas on daily basis.

o To lighten the visible marks on the face, grind the dry orange peels into a powder form and mix it with a little milk. Apply this mixture to the face to reduce the ugly marks.

o Keep chilled tea bags or cucumber pieces on your eyes for sometime every day. This keeps your eyes fresh throughout the day.

o To remove blackheads, mix lemon and tomato juice and apply it after steaming your face. Never try to fiddle with them, as you may end up having visible scars.

o For great looking hair, mix two yolks of eggs and massage it thoroughly on the scalp. Leave it for around 30 minutes to an hour and wash it off with a fragrant filled shampoo to remove the stink.

o Massage your hands and legs with olive oil every night before you go to bed. This not only softens the skin, but strengthens the nails as well.

o For wonderful looking feet, soak your feet in a basin filled with warm water. Add a little salt and mild shampoo to it. Soak in your feet for at least 10 minutes, to soften and avoid cracking of the heels.

o Exercising is essential for a well-toned body. Make it a point to walk for at least 30 minutes everyday. Use the stairs instead of the lift.

o Finally, eating the right kind of food can often keep your skin healthy and glowing. Remember, the key to a healthy skin is a regulated diet which is the norm all over the world.


Shoes - Tips & Tricks

 Image Source: Banglarfashion.com
If you have thick ankles do not wear flimsy, strappy heels. Avoid ankle straps which cut across the ankle. Stay away from ballerina -style shoes as well, as they make your ankles appear thicker than they actually are.

People with skinny legs should avoid thin, wobbling heels as they will only make you appear thinner. On the other hand, if your feet is too big, stick to shoes or sandals that cover them at their widest point. While wearing sandals, opt for ones that have small heels as they make your calves appear thinner.

If you are pear shaped [ thin on the top and large on the bottom half], shun the petite kitten heels. It will not balance your overall look. Jeans, pants and trousers should fall to the bottom of the heel.

You do not always have to wobble in high heels to look hip. Flat sandals or flip-flops look great when paired with the right kind of outfit. However, avoid wearing them with tailored clothes, like suits, formal skirts or trousers. Flats look best when teamed with laid back clothing such as cropped pants or jeans.

Black shoes look best when teamed with darker colors. Hence, avoid black shoes with light-colored clothing unless they are exceptionally exquisite.

Shoes and bags can complete your overall look. Make sure that they complement each other. A safe bet is to first take care of the shoes to make it work with your outfit. Then choose a bag that compliments the overall look.

Finally, assure that your feet is well-maintained. Chipped nail polish or dry skin is a big turn -off.


Pear Shaped Body Type

Pear Shaped figures are a couple of sizes smaller above the waist and larger below. The hips are basically wider than the shoulders and the thighs are rounded. They usually have a small top-half and a flat stomach. The idea is to draw the attention away from the lower half of the body for a more balanced and proportionate look. Here are few tips.

Image Source: Img2.timeinc.net

o A-Line skirts or dresses that fall around or below the knee area draw attention away from the hips.

o Straight leg or a slight boot cut trouser leg works best on pear shaped figures. Stay away from hi-waist pants.

o Avoid pants that narrow at the bottom. In fact, avoid pieces that make you look wider at the bottom.

o Avoid light colored pants or skirts. In addition, stay away from heavy patterns, loud prints or details such as large pockets around the hips.

o V-necks, open collars or turtle necks brings the attention upwards to the face. Remember, the more flattering the neck line is, the more likely it is to draw the eye upwards.

o Stay away from very tight or baggy shirts and tops. Instead opt for fitted [ but not skin tight] shirts and tops or button front tops. Choose bold and bright colors on the top and keep your lower half simple.

o A wrap dress is an ideal addition to your wardrobe, as it drapes the body in such a way that the lower portion is camouflaged, while your best curves are highlighted.

o Avoid jackets that are too long as they can make your bottom half appear bigger.

o Use accessories to enhance your shape and look. Focus on accessorizing the upper portion of your body, instead of heavy belts and embellishments on the lower half.

o Accessories such as scarves, chunky necklaces and chandelier earrings can make you appear flirty and fun. However, do not load yourself with too many bulky pieces. The key is to maintain a balance.


Apple Shaped Body Type

Apple shaped figures are generally heavier on the top than the bottom. The shape bears the resemblance to an inverted triangle. They have a heavy chest with narrow hips and thin legs. The key is to ideally divert the attention away from the upper body to create a proportionate silhouette. Here are few tips on it.

                                                           Image Source: Media.onsugar.com

o Boat necks and V-necks are for this body type as they can make the bosom appear smaller.

o Wear long tops to avoid highlighting the waist. Knits or woven fabrics with stretch go well with this body type.

o Tops should generally cover the hip area to bring in that perfect balance. Avoid shoulder pads. Empire cut tops, wrap tops and dresses can camouflage any extra weight in the waist section.

o Stay away from tops that include a lot of detailing and ruffling. Keep it simple and neat. Also, avoid tight or clingy tops that highlight your problematic areas.

o Choose flat front pants or trousers than the pleated ones. You can make use of detailing on your skirts and pants to draw attention there. Low-rise jeans with a boot cut looks fabulous on this body type.

o Play up long legs with short [an inch above the knee] skirts. You can also play with bright colors and patterns on your pants and skirts.

o You can choose monochromatic outfits as well, as they create an overall impression of length by drawing the attention away from your width.

o Play with accessories. Wear chandelier earring to bring the attention to your charming face. Classy shoes and boots can complete your overall look. Use belts to cinch your tops and dresses to the narrowest part of your waist.


A Few Steps for the Perfect Feet

Glossy nails and soft, smooth skin on our feet is a sign of good health and flawless grooming standards. In fact a woman is judged by the way she keeps her feet. Here are few ways for the perfect looking feet.

                                                                     Image Source: Faqs.org

o A simple do it yourself pedicure is enough to bring in those perfect looking feet. Choose nail polish that lifts your spirit. Dark and bright colors like red or gold-shot brown look classy and chic, while zesty citrus or corals flatter tanned skin. However, colors like shimmery pastel pinks go with any outfit, saving you the difficulty of polishing your nails numerous times a week.

o Clip nails to a consistent length and, shape nails into rounded squares using an emery board. While filing your nails, make sure you file them in just one direction without the back and forth movement. Leave no sharp edges that might hurt the toes.

o Soak your feet in warm water daily for around ten minutes. Add half a cup of Epsom salt to it. This helps in soothing aching feet and softening the skin, making it look fresh and healthy. Keep your feet moisturized at all times.

o Allot some time for a good foot massage. You can do it yourself by rubbing in some foot cream. Massage from the toe to the heel and up to the ankles and calves. It stimulates blood circulation and reduces puffiness.

o Another option is to gently massage your feet before going to bed at night. After massaging, put on a pair of socks - your feet will take in all the moisture and seal it to your feet so that they are ultra-soft in the morning.

o Toe nails are prone to chip or crack. Hence, it is advisable to re-apply a top-coat every other day. For better effects, massage a little amount of nail oil on daily basis to give the nails some strength.

You can't always make time for the a spa or salon and it can get expensive at times. But a regular home spa is just what the experts suggest and if there is anything that healthy living can't cure, seek medical advice.


Waxing -The Method

Waxing isn't much fun and is certainly time-consuming. Instead of wax, working women generally prefer to make use of a shaver or an epilator. But, they have their own drawbacks. Here are few ways to make waxing less painful and quick.

o Avoid waxing when the hair is small. Waxing the hair when they are too short can lead to uneven growth. Let the hair be at least 3 to 5 mm long before you can remove them.

o Avoid waxing if your skin is bruised or if you have a rash. Do not apply lotions or oils before you start the process. Your skin should be clean and fresh.

o If you are using hot-wax, check the temperature by applying a small amount on your wrist. Once you apply wax, place the cloth or strip on it and press it for a few seconds. Pull the strip very quickly [against the direction of hair growth] to avoid the pain.

o It is advisable to use wax strips rather than cloth pieces for hygienic purposes. However, if you are using cloth pieces assure that they are clean and do not use them more than twice.

o Apply wax in a thin layer if you are using cloth pieces. If it is too thick, there are chances of the cloth getting stuck to the wax as you try to pull it off.

o Never leave the wax on the skin for too long. Apply a good body lotion immediately afterwards as it discourages the growth of hair.


Hour Glass Figure

Hourglass figure, quite curvy and proportionate, is the most sought after body shape. They have an ideal proportioned upper and lower halves with a well-defined waist. With just a few pieces of clothing, you can create various looks. However, here are few tips to make the most of your figure.

Image Source: Tiffabee.files.wordpress.com

o An important item is a good bra, with the correct cup size, to make any outfit look appealing and presentable.

o Opt for tops that are simple and not too tight. They should skim your body with a sensuous drape.

o Open necklines such as U-neck and V-neck appear flattering. They make the chest and face seem slimmer.

o Jackets and tops with a belt will look great on you as they can highlight your waist.

o Wrap dresses cinch at the middle showing off your curves. Basically dresses that are fitted on the top and have an A-line cut can look great in you.

o Darker colors on the bottom makes your hip look slimmer.

o Avoid excessive detailing at the hips to maintain a perfect balance.

o Most style of pants will suit you however, wear pants or trousers with slight flare instead of tapered ones. But do not opt for heavy flares.

o Your curves and legs can be your best assets. Opt for skirts that show off your legs. Pencil skirts give the illusion of a chic silhouette as they balance the waist and hip.

A Tip: Hourglass figures have well-defined waists. Hence, focus on drawing the attention to the waists such as a great belt . Never be afraid to show off your slim waist as it is most flattering part of your body.


Rectangular Shaped Body Type

Rectangular shaped also known as a 'ruler' or termed as 'boyish figures' are a rare shape. For this type of a frame there is no big difference between the waist and the hips. They are generally straight with little definition. The idea is to define your curves to give you a curvaceous womanly figure.

                                                                   Image Source: Mylifetime.com

o To make hips look fuller, wear flared or A-line dresses that add the idea of curves.

o The empire style dresses creates the illusion of a fuller chest.

o Short skirts, paired with knee high boots look cool on rectangular shaped women.

o Bolero style jackets or shrugs can make the bust line appear fuller. Tops with padding can also give the illusion of a large chest.

o Wrap and tie style tops look flattering on this body type. They add some extra definition and shape to your figure.

o Tops that have gathers at the side bring in a more feminine appeal. Also, tops that cinch at the waist add some curves to the overall figure.

o Go for tops that have plenty of detailing as they break the straight lines of the rectangular shaped figures.

o Broad belts worn at a slant highlight the hips.

o Opt for trousers that slightly flare at the bottom. Stay away from cuffs as it can make your legs appear small.

o Avoid pattern less clothing or baggy clothes. Stay away from clingy styles as they will not add any definition or fullness to your slim frame.

o Avoid stripes, especially vertical stripes as they can make you appear thinner than you actually are.


Ripped Jeans

Has ripped or torn jeans ever gone out of fashion? Not really and even if it has, its soon made a comeback . It was a rage in the 90's and it took the world by storm when Shakira danced in her brown pair of ripped jeans to ' Whenever Wherever.'

                                                        Image Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

The ripped jeans is now very much in vogue. Indians term it as ' shabby fashion.' It has worked well in most countries and is fast catching up in other places too. Teenagers especially, are crazy after this style and they sure know what looks cool on them without getting influenced by the latest trends.

The best part is that the look can be created by transforming old clothes. Just take an old pair of jeans and rip it. The rips should be on your thighs, knees and calves. It may call for a little patience, nevertheless it is quite simple. Can fashion get more affordable during the time of economic meltdown? The trend is cool, stylish, chic and economical. They are great for travelling, lounging in or even for a casual meet with friends.

The style is all about attitude and how well you can carry the look. Body piercing, body art and tattooing are very much 'in' and a torn jeans compliments the look really well. Ripped jeans can be worn with a simple T-shirt. Though blue looks cool, black ripped jeans look really hot. You can accessorize it with a chunky watch or great shoes. For the retro fashion or a street look do sport a shabby hair. However, keep the overall look simple without any flashy or loud colors. And remember, the most important accessory with the ripped jeans is the ' I-don't care' attitude.


How to Get the Best from a Beauty Counter

Image Source: Self.com

1. Avoid the lunch time rush. Never ask a beauty consultant to chat or do your make up between 12 pm and 2:30 pm. That is the time when they are expected to make a quick rush and swift sale from the lunch time shoppers. Hence, as far as possible avoid the lunch time rush.

2. If the consultant has to keep checking on the manual and brochures every now and then - walk away. It is fine for her to check on the fiddly questions, such as allergies to an ingredient. But, she should know her brand backwards. Hence, walk away if you feel that your skin care consultant is not too sure about her job.

3. If all you want is an eye shadow and you are on a budget spree, and do not want it right away be clear about it. Tell her that you just want to have a try and not buy it immediately, or she will waste your time by showing things you are not really interested in. Hence, be clear from the start.

4. It is recommended that you do a small research before you shop. Understand what is going on the world of beauty with the help of your favorite beauty or fashion magazines. Online research can be the best bet. If you have an idea about what your needs are and what you are really looking for, your consultant will not see you as an easy prospect to shift her unnecessary stock. Hence, do a small research.

5. If your consultant has told you about a product to give you a certain look, ask her for a sample. If she is reluctant to give, inform her that you have suffered from skin reactions in the past, and would like to have a sachet to try the product. If she is still hesitant, do not buy it. You wouldn't want a product that is not straightforward, do you?


Boyfriend Dressing

Boyfriend shorts, boyfriend cardigan, boyfriend jeans, boyfriend watches and now boyfriend jackets. In fact, one of the key trends of the past 2009 was 'boyfriend dressing.' The guys must be thinking - not again. But, there is something about a woman in a man's clothes. It's all about blending into a man's world. Coco Chanel was the first to exemplify boyfriend dressing during the 1920's and, it is still a major hit in the fashion world.
Image Source:Mediaonsugar.com

The idea is to dress like a man, while still maintaining the feminine appeal. Many Hollywood celebrities like Madonna, Kate Moss and Katherine Hepburn, Angelina Jolie etc, epitomize the style with ease and grace. The impact is strong at fashion shows as well. It is basically for women who have the style and can effortlessly pull off the look.

It is easy to wear with a little imagination and flair. Wear any one piece of 'boyfriend clothes,' such as 'boyfriend jeans' or 'boyfriend jacket' and mix and match with the feminine pieces. Play with contrasts. Keep your make-up simple and natural. Add attitude, by pushing up the sleeves or rolling up the trouser bottoms.

Strut in the highest heel you can wear as they add that spice to your look. Make use of trendy and chic accessories to complement the look. You don't necessarily have to borrow your boyfriend's clothes. There are trendy pieces in the market that is especially made for the women. Finally, keep 'boyfriend dressing,' for the more casual occasions and do remember to wear it with an 'attitude.'


Pedicure for the Perfect Feet

Take off the old nail polish with a non-acetone remover. Assure your nails are dry before you can cut them, as wet nails can tear. With the help of an emery board, shape nails into rounded squares by smoothing the edges. Gently buff the surface of the nails and, use an orange stick to remove the dirt particles.

                                                       Imagesource: Agirlsgottaspa.com

When you file the nails file in just one direction, as back and forth movement damages the nails. Keep your feet soaked in warm water for at least 10 minutes. Mix some sea salt to the water as it tends to rejuvenate and soften the skin. Use a scrub thereafter and scrub for five minutes. Never forget to scrub around the toes. If you have calluses, make use of a pumice stone.

Rub a rich foot lotion into the nails and cuticles [gently push the skin with an orange stick and never cut them]. Massage from the toe to the heel and use a thick layer of the foot cream to keep the skin soft for a prolonged period. Remove the excess lotion from the nails with the help of a nail polish remover or a clean tissue [using cotton buds can leave stray fibers].

Try a French manicure on your toes - here the white tips on your toes should be really thin. You can perhaps make use of an old, clean eye liner brush for the thin, subtle line. Separate your toes with tissues and follow with a base coat. Wait for two to three minutes and apply a sheer pink nail polish. Assure that the bristles of the brush are even.

If you prefer a slightly dark nail polish color use two layers of base coat. Make sure that the polish doesn't touch the cuticles and always finish it with a top coat. Choose a thick, viscous ones and allow it to dry for at least half an hour. Since toe nails chip and crack easily, re-apply a top coat every other day to extend the life of your pedicure.


The Summer Days

Excessive exposure to the harmful rays of the sun can cause premature aging and sometimes lead to skin cancer too. To reduce the risk of sun damage use sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15 [SPF stand for sun protection factor]. In addition, make use of accessories like a hat or a bandanna. Invest in a pair of quality sunglasses that provide protection from the UV rays of the sun.

                                                          Image Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

If your skin feels dry and itchy during the summer days, it's probably due to the side effects of tanning. Exfoliate to get rid of the dead skin cells in your legs and hands. Keep your skin moisturized at all times with a rich hydrating body cream.

Make sure you apply a bit of almond oil on your hair before swimming. The oil acts as a barrier between your hair and the elements. After a swim, immediately rinse off the chlorine residue or the salty water out of your hair. Condition your hair with a deep conditioner.

Get rid of all your nylon, synthetic and PVC clothes which are an absolute no-no during the scorching summer days. Invest in some cool cotton clothes, and choose from the numerous options of 'airy clothes' in the market that are designed for the hot days.

Finally, keep a check on your diet. Include lots of fresh fruits and green vegetables in your diet. Instead of three heavy meals, have five to six small meals a day. Drink lots of water as you tend to get dehydrated sooner than you imagine. Make sure you drink at least eighteen glasses of water a day.


Fashion Photography

Fashion photography is an exceptionally interesting and challenging field. Imagine the joy of transforming an ordinary looking girl into a gorgeous diva. The key is to create visual stories. The possibilities for progressing in this direction includes working in advertising companies, fashion magazines, fashion house, opening a studio or freelancing.

Image Source: Thecoolist.com

Start a website or a blog and display your collection. This will help a great deal in showcasing your talent globally. The idea is to get your photographs seen and noticed by as many as people. Putting them online is an effective way to do this. And also make a good portfolio and keep it handy at all times.

It's not essential that you need to have a degree in photography. However, a formal education in the subject is an added advantage. The training you get will help you abundantly. Special attention should be given to factors like lightning and color and a formal education can help you get that. Moreover, photographers need to know how to make use of software programs that help to edit images. Be it a degree program or a vocational training, photographers do require technical expertise.

You can also undergo a training with established or renowned photographers who have made a mark in this field. And in any case, it's recommended that you begin by joining as an assistant to a good photographer and then gradually work your way up. In addition, interpersonal skills are essential as you have to deal with numerous clients. You need to be able to work with different kinds of people and be sensitive to their moods.

Travelling to interesting places is one of the benefits as a fashion photographer. It is a pioneering job that won't keep you behind the desk all day long. What's more is that you get to develop relations with renowned celebrities. Now, how cool is that?


Fashion Designers

Fashion designing is a profitable business if you have the ability, talent, panache and the flair for it. It is not an easy job and designers should be a lot creative and innovative. He/she must be able to conceptualize fashion and produce garments that can become trends.

Image Source: Girlgamezone.com

The two most common types in fashion are 'Prêt-a Porter,' and 'Haute Couture.' Haute Couture are hi-fashion garments which are 'one-of-its-kind,' and typically meant for the upper class. Pret -a-Porter are ready to wear garments that are produced in bulk. They are further divided into casual wear, evening wear, party wear, swim wear, sports wear, maternity wear etc. The designers can specialize in any one area, by creating a niche for themselves. They can work with any established designers or work as freelancers. They can also work in export houses, buying houses or publications for more guidance on the subject.

There are designers who have made a mark in the field of fashion without any formal training or degree. But, in these days of high fashion having a formal education in designing can take you a long way, especially when you are looking for job. Once you're done with your education, create a good portfolio. A portfolio says a lot about the designer's skills and his/her expertise in the field. It has to reflect the designer's artistic capacity and skill.

Do a lot of networking with other established designers models, photographers, agents etc. Grab the slightest opportunity that come by your way. Once you've made your mark, you can then be choosy about your assignments. The key is to build your name as much as possible. Read magazines and watch programs related to your field. Keep yourself updated on the latest trends and happenings of the industry. Create a website or start a blog of your own to make your collection visible to the whole world.

Among all the careers that exist is the fashion industry, a fashion designer's is the most significant one. Everybody will have to be connected to the designer in some way or the other. It's that beneficial!


Being Photogenic

You don't have to be Angelina Jolie or Britney Spears to look great in pictures. The trick to being photogenic lies in the originality. Do not try to contrive a desirable look; just be your natural self. You may tend to look unattractive in the photos if you strive for a particular look.
                                                           Image Source: Divavillage.com

It's a common myth that you need to have a perfect body to appear photogenic. In reality, you need to be confident and comfortable[ than a great body] as that gives a better persona in photographs. Besides, even the most perfect body can look terrible if she is uncomfortable with herself. Factors such as make-up, lightnings, clothes, mood etc add to good results.

Light is one of the most indispensable aspect of photography. If you're being photographed in the sun, the sunlight should fall on your face, but of course not blind you. Bright sunlight streaming through the window is better than the direct, scorching rays of the sun. Experts say, when photography is indoors, yellow light improves the visibility of the photographs. Zoom lens work great for close-ups as it blends with the background, by focusing on the central object.

Make-up is the next most important aspect. Correct make-up can transform you to a diva. Foundation is essential as it evens out the skin tone. Concealer can be used next to cover up the dark spots and blemishes. But do not go overboard. Highlight your best features and play down the ones you prefer to hide. Highlight your eyes well as they are the first to be noticed. If possible, try getting your make-up done with a professional artist or take time to learn from him/her on how to do it.

Pay attention to your clothes as they must compliment your complexion. Red can make the face appear healthy and glowing. Since black absorbs light, it can make you appear a little dark. On the other hand, the color white can reflect too much light, making you appear a little unnatural. Therefore, you need to experiment a bit to create a balance to bring out the best in you.

Be aware of your mood as the camera can capture your real state of mind. Even if you are smiling on the out, but are dreary on the inside it can show on the photographs, making it look lifeless and uninteresting. Be at ease, relax, have fun and finally, enjoy what you are doing.


What your Night-Time Attire Says About You

Are there really any hidden messages in your nighttime attire? Yes there are. It can reveal what type of lady you really are. Read on.


A satin negligee has the ability to rouse several of your senses irrespective of whether you're a male or female. It implies the promptness for sensuality. Satin garments have always been a personification of sensuality. There is definitely nothing like a sizzling negligee to lift a lady's spirit. It makes a woman feel exceptional and lets her celebrate her womanhood.

Image Source: Tunde-quanhui.com


Pajamas, also know as pyjamas are neat, chic and timeless, but different styles send out different messages. A pair of girlishly, glitzy pajamas might turn him off, but then again, it also sends the signal that you are relaxed, calm and good-humored - after all pajamas are designed for comfort. Adorning your silk pajamas indicate you like to be sensual and of course indulgent.

Image Source: Bestclothesnet.com


Women's lingerie had evolved considerably over the years signifying a full-fledged fashion statement. The style is primarily predominant in France where lingerie enjoys a major place in a woman's wardrobe. Different types of lingerie point out different messages. The short, frilly items signify the dutiful nature, 'take me off my feet and hold me in your hands forever,' while the suspender belt types of lingerie shows that you are dominant, assertive and firm.

Boxers or Vests:

To be noticed in his garments is to signify a certain level of comfort the two of you share. You perhaps have been going on or been in a relationship for long and the ease shows in your ensemble. Research also specifies that men find it a big turn on to see their women in their stuff.

Image Source: ecx.images-amazon.com


T-shirts though functional are not very hot in the way a sexy nightdress is. However, it signifies ease and simplicity and indicates a modern approach to life. They are like slips -- practical and functional. It's not very inviting but at the same time it's not too dramatizing either.


April 26, 2010

A Few Portfolio Tips

If you are an upcoming model, be sure to check out the photographers' portfolio before you let him photograph you. Nevertheless, do not rely on just one photographer. Different photographers will look at things in different ways. The key to a good portfolio is variety.

Image Source: pdnonline.com

o Wear clothes that you are comfortable in. Your clothes should flatter your body type. Choose ones that emphasizes your plus points and camouflages the parts you prefer to hide. For instance, if you have a full figure opt for clothes that skim your body than skin-tight garments. If you are thin or boney, wear layered fabrics that help fill you out a little.

o Take a set of pictures in western wear and another set in casual wear. On the other hand, if you feel something doesn't suit you, avoid it. For instance, if you don't look in western clothes it's best you concentrate more on causal wear. If you look great in most pictures, but a little lousy in two or three pictures, people are most likely going to remember the bad ones.

o But remember, the more looks you have the more the chances are for getting work. If your portfolio consist of only lingerie, then you are most likely to get offers on the same subject. Hence, try to get as many as looks you can.

o Keep your make-up and hair simple but stylish. Do not go overboard. Try out different looks and styles before you take the pictures. Experiment a bit on what suits you and that includes clothes, hair and make-up.


Make-Up During Summer

Summer make-up should be simple, subtle and subdued. Remember, people should not even realize that you are wearing any make-up.

Image Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

• There are few products that can help you preserve your make-up through out the day, but nothing is fool proof. Re-application is the key combined with a good skin care routine.

• Cream-based products generally have residual oils that form a slippery film. Hence, it is advisable to opt for lightweight and less emollient products in summer.

• During summer the skin tends to be dewier, hence skip your day time moisturizer. Instead, opt for a foundation that consists of SPF 15 or 30 and make sure that it is water-resistant and sweat proof. To even out your skin tone, apply foundation with a damp sponge.

• Do not apply face powder or foundation beneath your lipstick as it may appear cakey. Avoid lip liner too. A shiny gloss with a dash of color is suffice. Remember, nude lips look so much more natural and hot. If your prefer to apply mascara, limit it to one coat.

• Keep the colors of your make-up as light as possible. Avoid overly bright or very dark colors. Go for transparent pastel color eye shadow, blush or gloss that permits your skin’s warmth to show through. You should be able to see your features at its best.

• Summer is also the time to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Hence, make sure that the products you use contain SPF, to safeguard your skin from the dangers of the sun.


How To Get The Hairstyle You Want

The first and foremost aspect is to know your hair? Is it dry, greasy, coarse, limp, fine, frizzy? Only after you know your hair type, can you understand why your stylist says that a particular hair style will not suit you. Having said that, here are few tips on how to get the hairstyle you want.

                                                        Image Source: Z.about.com

o Bring a friend or a picture of someone whose hairstyle you prefer to show it to your stylist. A good stylist will suggest what he or she can do to give you a similar look. At the same time you need to be willing to compromise.

o If you are particular about the look you prefer in certain areas, for instance a fringe in the front make sure you inform the stylist before he/she starts the job. Do not shriek, "no, not there," as it can be intimidating for both of you. Telling them what you want, while cutting the hair can be very annoying.

o The key is to communicate. Tell him /her about your lifestyle, your likes and dislikes. This would help your stylist immensely to give you the hairstyle you prefer. Ask question and clear your doubts beforehand. Ask about the products that suit your hair, the color to enhance your cut, or even how to wash your hair.

o On the other hand, do not be pushed into something you are not comfortable with. You need to be confident of your look and feel good about it. After all, you will have to live with the hairstyle and not the stylist.


A Few Simple Ways to Look Gorgeous

• Wearing clothes that flatter your body type is always a huge ego-booster. When you are aware that you are dressed well, your body language tends to change naturally.

• Sometimes it pays to dress up for the event than for comfort. You may be comfortable in your ordinary flip-flops, but it’s not too impressive and it will be hard not to be self conscious.

• Whether we like it or not, people will judge you based on their first impressions. This is especially true when it comes to interviews, business meetings or first dates. Being well-groomed is the key.

• Not all of us are blessed with perfect figures. Nevertheless, we can wear clothes that emphasizes our plus points and camouflage the parts we prefer to hide. For instance, you have a pear shaped body, where your bottom half is comparatively larger, wear dark shades of pants or skirts for a proportionate look.

• In an attempt to look slimmer, never wear clothes that are too small for you. You would only end up looking larger than you actually are. The idea is to wear clothes that skim your body [ but not skin-tight].

• Play with accessories. You can make a plain looking outfit appear ultra-glamorous with the right use of accessories. For instance, a colorful stole or a chunky neck piece on a full black outfit can make heads turn instantly.

• Experiment, experiment, experiment. Unless you experiment, you never know what suits your body type. Try various styles and understand what looks good on you.

• Finally, never underestimate yourself. Each of us have at least one key asset ; the key is know what your assets are highlight those aspects.


Fashion Buying

Fashion buyers forecast industry trends and transform them into effective business proposals. Careers in fashion buying are extremely popular and challenging.

                                                           Image Source: Garethstevens.com

As a fashion buyer, you need to know what trends sold in the past and what is likely to be popular in the future. It is advisable to keep yourself updated on the changes in trends. You need to have a thorough knowledge of what's been happening with the fashion changes in the past as this will help you decide what's needed in the future. In fact fashion buyers must work months in advance, so that the goods are ready when the season starts. It helps to have a formal degree in fashion buying. You can also opt for an internship with the major stores and established companies to gain sufficient experience.

Attend fashion shows and keep yourself updated on all the latest aspects of fashion. Make a meticulous research on the quick selling styles, fads and other trends in the past and the present. Also, be original, inventive, organized and be primed to take risks. Work on your communication and interpersonal skills, as you might have to take bold decisions.

A fashion buyer gets to know about the newest and hot trends before anybody else does. You get the privilege of setting trends and predict what the next hot thing will be. You get to travel globally and meet interesting people. You also get to order interesting items from the major fashion capitals of the world. On the whole fashion buying is a very thrilling career, after all very few get the opportunity to formulate and set trends.


Fashion Merchandising

Fashion Merchandising is growing immensely as a promising career. As a fashion merchandiser, he/she acts as a liaise between the production team and the buyer. A merchandiser is responsible for the planning, production and distribution of the finished product.

Imagesource: Vinu.edu.com

Apart from studying the buyer's needs, they need to work closely with the designers to come with fresh products that is in par with the latest trends. In short, careful planning and a methodical marketing knowledge is needed to succeed in this area.

Fashion merchandisers can also work as visual merchandisers. Being a visual merchandiser, you can create visually flattering displays of merchandise in the most imaginative way. You need to be able to draw the customers attention and ultimately get them to procure the merchandise.

Though a degree is not a must it's still an added advantage. A formal education would help you to have a good understanding of the types of fabrics, along with subjects that include fashion and marketing aspects. Fashion merchandisers can work in export houses, buying houses, large retailers stores etc.

Though, fashion merchandising is entirely behind the curtain job, it is an essential part of the fashion industry. It is not a simple task and merchandising requires good experience, along with smart negotiations and impressive interpersonal skills. You need to be able to negotiate with both suppliers and buyers to conclude on a deal.

Though it doesn't seem like an easy job, it's still an interesting and challenging career. As long as you have the drive and passion, merchandising is as appealing as it may seem.


Fashion Journalism and it's Requirements

With numerous fashion editorials, journals and magazines increasing day by day, there is a huge demand for fashion journalists. A recent study revealed that writing jobs are expected to considerably increase by 2015.

There are numerous careers one can choose from, depending on their interests and talents. A fashion journalist can work as a freelancer or be employed. Freelance writers, freelance columnists, freelance reporters, staff writers, staff reporters, staff columnists, book authors and press release writers, are few of the various options available today.
Image Source: Runninginheels.co.uk

A majority of the jobs in the industry require at least a bachelor's degree in fashion design or journalism. You can also get an internship with a renowned establishment and then pursue your career. Other basic requirements include good writing and communication skills. You also need to have a good knowledge about the fashion industry. It is advisable to keep yourself updated with the latest happenings in the world of fashion.

Browse through fashion magazines and watch programs related to the subject. Start contributing articles for your college magazine, local newspapers and other publications. Contribute as many as qualitative articles possible. Apart from the usual aspects of glitz and glamour, focus on the national and international market, export businesses and other situation analysis. These days there are numerous blogs cropping out. Start a blog for yourself and pour out your ideas. Blogging is a good way to develop your skill on writing.

The benefits of being a fashion journalist are numerous. You get to travel globally and have the opportunity to work with established designers, models or celebrities of the fashion fraternity. What's more is that the perks and other advantages of being a fashion journalist is too attractive.


Fashion Stylist

Do you have a flair for style? Then think Fashion Styling. Styling is all about making people feel and look good, both inside and out. It is an art to combine things together to form a beautiful piece. People love you because you make them feel wonderful.
Image Source: Sarastillman.com

Stylist are generally of three categories – celebrity stylists, image stylists and image consultants. A fashion stylist’s career provides thrilling opportunities. Fashion shoots, fashion shows, music videos, movies, advertisements and TV shows are few areas where a stylist can work.

Fashion stylists require more than a good taste. He/she must also have an understanding of the different body types and create looks that brings out the best in them. The ability to combine usual pieces and use them in unusual ways is a must. It’s not it, a stylist must have the ability to work within the client’s budget, and yet bring out the best in him/her. In addition, he/she must be able to influence a client without overriding them.

Having a formal education in fashion and styling is an added advantage. To start with, you can even experiment with your family and friends to put your creative skills to practice. As a stylist, you need to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and the happenings in the world of fashion. Browse through the fashion magazines and watch fashion related programs regularly. Have a portfolio of your work . To make it more effective, make a column that indicates ‘before makeover’ and ‘after makeover,’ as this gives the client an idea of your style of creation. In addition, create a website that indicates your nature of work, the offers you provide, and include in as many as quality information possible.

The best part of the job is that you don’t need big investments. You can practice on your own and slowly build a full –fledged career. You get to be in touch with the world’s most stylist people. From working with celebrities, to styling a house wife, there are numerous areas in which fashion stylists can use their talent. The future is just bright !


Balloon Dress

The latest trend that is catching up in the runaway is the balloon dress. Yes, it’s not something new. It was the trend during the 60’s and now has come back with a bang. In fact, fashion this season has been more of the revival of sixties trend, but has been put forward in a more trendy and contemporary form.

Image Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Balloon dresses comes in different shapes and lengths and fashionistas seem to be adorning this new fashion trend in parties and functions. They come as waistline balloon dresses, off -shouldered balloon dresses, hem-line balloon dresses and fitted knee length balloon dresses that flare at the bottom. Designers give it an innovative touch. And as a balloon dress, whatever shape and form it takes, the bulkiness will be there to stay. It is a very comfortable attire and can be worn for almost all occasions; be it a glam party or a girl’s night out.

But this form of dress doesn’t suit every body type. It’s meant for people with a slim frame. If you are on the larger side, a balloon dress can make you appear larger than you actually are, despite hiding the fat. Unless you are stick thin or have a slim frame, balloon dresses will only add to the extra bulk. In addition, it doesn’t suit the shorter women too. Since, it adds volume and highlights the lower portion of the body, it doesn’t look too appealing on shorter women . It’s just meant for tall and thin frames. In fact, it suits the western body type more.


Make - Over in Thirty Minutes

You must be wondering at the way celebrities dress in parties and other functions. We wonder how much time did it take to do all the make-up - perhaps sitting in front of the mirror the whole day? Gosh, can't get more tiring, can it?

Well, but that is not the truth. The secret is 'false fittings.' It can get so fake, but that's how it works. Now, what if you have to go for a party immediately after your office hours. In just a few steps you can transform yourself from a corporate girl to a glamorous diva [ in the celeb way]. All this, can be done in less than 30 minutes. Here's how.

Attractive Locks:

If you prefer a thick glossy mane, opt for clip-on hair extensions. Assure that you match the extensions to the color of your hair. Also, make sure that there's plenty of your own natural hair covering the top of the extensions, to avoid it from being too obvious.

Image Source: Indhair.com

Long Lashes:

You must be amazed at the celebrities long lashes. Well, most of them swear by false lashes. It works this way; first you need to apply the glue on the lashes, wait for a few seconds and then attach the strip very close to your eye lashes.

Image Source: Magazine.ayurvediccure.com

Fuller Lips:

These days, lip plumpers are used to bring the fullness to the lips. Lip plumper is a cosmetic product used by those who have thin lips to make it appear fuller. This can be applied before applying your lipstick. A nude lip liner can be used to bring in more emphasis - apply after the lip plumper and before the lipstick.

Image Source: Cosmeticsprivatelabel.com

Prettier Nails:

False nails are the only option for an instant manicure. They are less time consuming than painting your nails. You need to apply the glue and press each nail lightly in line with your cuticle. Allow it to dry for few minutes.

Image Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com

Glowing Skin:

If your arms and legs are going to be exposed, apply foundation and some compact powder on the exposed parts. Opt for something that is a shade lighter than your actual skin tone. Make sure that there aren't uneven patches. Allow it to dry for a few minutes before you can put your party dress.

Image Source: Womenseverything.com

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